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Pixie Haircut Fantastic Hairstyle Option!

Pixie Haircut At M2 Salon in Morrisville, NC. This picture (love this look) illustrates that Pixies are very easy to maintain and can be worn casually, or dressed up for special occasions.

pixie w long bangs and volume at crown

Pixie cuts were popularized first in the late 1950s when Audrey Hepburn wore the style in her debut film Roman Holiday, and later in the 1960s by actress Mia Farrow and British supermodel Twiggy, then even later by film star Goldie Hawn.

It has such a sweet little name, but many still think of the Pixie cut as a little girl’s hair style. This thinking is just wrong. The Pixie cut has recently been worn by some of the biggest celebs …proving the cut has staying power. Pamela Anderson (yes, really!) and Jennifer Lawrence debuted their own versions. Who didn’t fall in love with Halle Berry’s hair when she showed off her Pixie cut? Charlize Theron looks like a goddess with her straight Pixie length locks.

Here are a few variations offered by Margy Sheppard at M2 Salon in Morrisville, NC., on the traditional Pixie haircut:

  • Choppy Pixie with lots of layers, including neck hugging pieces in the back. Margy can show you how a bit of texturizer in your palms plus light mussing gives a Pixie the perfect volume.
  • Margy says if you prefer a chic smooth look, blowout the front of your pixie cut, straighten it with a flat iron, then add a bit of shine spray!
  • Think Tyra Banks or Rihanna…keep the drama up top by styling your pixie so the majority of the volume is pointed forward, drawing attention to the eyes.
    Carmel baby highlights on soft brown hair add some sizzle to the look.
  • Never think a Pixie cut is just for straight hair. Margy has done some awesome Pixie cuts on curly hair with spectacular results.
  • If you are ready to go Pixie short, but don’t want to leave your entire face exposed, do a side part, leave your bangs a little long and sweep over to the side.

Pixie cuts are very easy to maintain and are perfect for casual or dress up occasions. Doesn’t this sound like the perfect hairstyle solution for a hassle free and pretty/chic look?! Call 919-257-9007 or hit this link to schedule an appointment for a new 2016 Pixie cut hairstyle with Margy Sheppard at M2 Salon today.

Fun Holiday Hair Ideas from M2 Salon in Morrisville NC!

Fun Holiday Hair Ideas for you from Margy Sheppard at M2 Salon in Morrisville, NC!


It’s time to get with it and let an expert help you show off your gorgeous hair.

Holiday time can be major panic time when it comes to hair styling. It’s a time when we see old friends and family, so naturally we want to look our best. No one wants to be running into old girlfriends and/or boyfriends at holiday parties with the same hairstyle from High School 🙁

Still hesitating over the need for a new look? Picture yourself at the holiday dinner table with Aunt Mable who is asking “just how old are you again , dear?” All because you’re still wearing that early 1990’s set of hair wings on both sides of your head. 🙂

Gather some ideas and call 919-257-9007 or book online with Margy for a new cut. Short on ideas? Let Margy give you a quick consult. Always a great idea to get advice from an expert about what style looks good with your bone structure, color and hair texture.

Ringing in the New Year with a new hairstyle is a great way to boost your self esteem and confidence. A new look = a new you, just in time to take on whatever 2016 has to offer!

Happy Holidays & Best Wishes for the New Year from Margy Sheppard at M2 Salon in Morrisville, NC.

How To Make Hair Color Last Longer

How To Make Hair Color Last Longer – It’s a fact that hair color does begin to fade after 4 weeks.


For those of us that enjoy getting our hair colored it’s something we deal with because hair dye loves to disappear. Luckily, learning how to make your hair color last longer might just be as simple as changing your shower experience.

And no, this does not replace your color safe specific shampoo purchased at M2Salon! That is still a necessity for healthy shiney hair. It’s about how long you actually keep your head under the water while staying in the shower. If you do have hair color that has a lot of vibrant color [think red] that you don’t want to fade, Aveda‘s Global Artistic Director for Hair Color Ian Michael Black said in a recent article, that standing under the water is your worst enemy.

“The best thing for hair color preservation is quick shampoos, and the worst thing for hair color is standing under the shower,” he wrote. “The water is what drags it out more than the shampoo.”

While it may feel good to stand under the hot water for ages, you’re basically just rinsing out your hair color with the product. “It the hair follicle fills up with water, the water then just kind of pulls it out. So when you stand under the shower for too long, it’s not good for hair color,” he pointed out.

And while we think lathering up and scrubbing is what it takes to get our hair free of dirt and product build-up, Black reminds us that it definitely does not take ten minutes to get a squeaky clean head of hair. On top of all that, you actually don’t need all that many bubbles!
“We’re all obsessed by lots of lather,” he says. “We actually don’t need that.” If you lightly wash, with little to no lather, you’ll realize while drying and styling your hair that tons of bubbles do not equate to clean. It is all psychological fuelled by those old shampoo ads 🙂

Please keep in mind, most sulfate-free shampoos actually are lather-free, and yes, still clean your hair. Besides cutting down your shower times, a quick trick is to skip the wash entirely and reach for the dry shampoo—a saving grace in preserving hair color and of course, blowouts.

Need hair color? Need hair care products, like an awesome dry shampoo? Schedule an appointment online or call Margy Finegan (919)257-9007 at M2Salon today!

How To Make Hair Color Last