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Fall 2105 Hair Color M2 Salon NC

Fall 2105 Hair Color M2 Salon NC – When autumn begins, most people don’t realize it’s time to tone things down with their hair color. Summer sun takes highlighted hair to a whole new level of BRIGHT! Not that this is a bad thing during the summer, but Fall calls for a more subtle look. As we settle into winter, Margy Finegan Sheppard of M2 Salon in Morrisville, NC, suggests adding low-lights to change things up a bit.


Low-lights are the exact opposites of highlights. They are darker pieces of hair usually reserved for the layers underneath and around the neck. Just as highlights lighten hair with strands of lighter color, low-lights add dimension with strands of darker color.

Low-lights might also be in order if your highlights have morphed into one solid color over the summertime. “I call it the buildup of highlights,” Margy explained. “If you go every 6-10 weeks, and get highlights over and over, after the summer sun you will probably need some low-lights to break it up because things just get solid blond from exposure.”

Fall 2105 Hair Color M2 Salon NC – Hit the link and book an appointment with Margy now at M2 Salon!

Face Framing Highlights at M2 Salon!

Face Framing Highlights at M2 Salon-Want to keep that sun kissed hair color or just thinking about a little touch of fall color?


If you are not ready for a total hair color makeover, you can just relax and take things slow. Begin your transformation by adding few subtle Face Framing Highlights to your hairstyle. Margy recommends that the highlight color be somewhat close to the base tone. Such a simple trick will add extra volume and movement to your hairstyle. Brunettes can go for golden blonde and honey blonde highlights. Women with blonde hair can add light brown highlights.

Book an appointment today and Margy will be happy to consult with you on adding a few subtle highlights. M2 Salon (919)257-9007.

2015 Summertime Hair Ideas For Hot Days!

As the hot summer months approach us, it is time to prepare for all that North Carolina has to offer. There are outdoor concerts, beach & lake time, street festivals and other outdoor fun dates, for which most of us are not looking to spend hours on our hair everyday. Here are some of our favorite summer hairstyles for when it gets too hot to move, let alone blow-dry, flat iron or curl.

The Ballerina Bun
A tight high bun will help keep you cool in the summer heat and will also give you an instant elegant feel. To get this look, spritz damp hair with texturizing spray and pull it back into a high ponytail then twist the tail around the base and secure your hair with bobby pins. If you’re short on time, try slipping in a hair donut. The donut will quickly create the same look and also help keep shorter layers in place.


The Tuck and Cover
The Tuck and Cover is another easy hairstyle that will keep your shoulders cool during the hotter months. To get this look, all you need is a stretchy headband. You can find step-by-step instructions here and watch a video tutorial here. To summarize, all of your hair should be wrapped up and then tucked into the band. If any tails or flyaways slip out just wrap and retuck them. If any of them are too short to reach, hide them within the loops. Finish with hairspray.


Dutch Braid Accented Ponytail
Summer is the perfect time to showoff your best braids. We love this hairstyle because it is easy and time efficient. Try this hairstyle on either wet or dry hair. You can find step-by-instructions here and watch a video tutorial here.
Thank you for reading our post! Share with us YOUR favorite summer hairstyles in the comments below! Don’t forget that M2 Salon is here for all of your hair care needs.