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Caring for a Keratherapy Treatment

Caring for a Keratherapy Treatment-So, you’ve just had a blowout or a keratin treatment done for summer, and you’re absolutely in love with your soft, shiny, and frizz-free hair – but do you know how to take care of your hair after one of these treatments?















A professional keratin treatment is a worthwhile investment in your hair, especially when the seasons bring heat, humidity, and sun. You’ll walk out with softer, smoother, and shinier hair. With the proper keratin treatment maintenance, your results can last up to six months – this means that you won’t need another treatment until winter! Here are our top tips for keratin treatment aftercare:

1. Stick with a sulfate-free or sodium-chloride free shampoo and conditioner. Sulfates and sodium-chloride are never a good idea for your hair, but especially not after a keratin treatment. Instead, invest in a salon-quality shampoo and condition set that will provide gentle cleansing and moisture. All of Keratherapy’s shampoos and conditioners are sulfate-free and include varying combinations of fine ingredients to keep your hair looking gorgeous.

2. Reduce Blow Out Time and Heat Setting! There’s a lot that can go wrong when it comes to blow-drying your hair. The intense heat can damage hair follicles and turn them dry and brittle. From a simple logistics standpoint, the amount of blow drying you do may cause you to wake up earlier and leave for work later.

As keratin strengthens and protects your hair, as well as keeps your hair soft, silky, and manageable, you’ll find that you’ll spend less time each morning blow-drying your hair after your treatment. Reduce the heat setting on your blow dryer. Your Keratin treated hair will blowout in less time!

3. Have fun with styling. One of the best benefits of keratin treatments is that your hair will be easier than ever to style – so don’t be afraid to get creative!

Hit this LINK to BOOK Your Keratherapy Treatment! Look forward to seeing you in the Salon soon!

Before and After Hair Chop!

Before and After Hair Chop-Love to do a big change for clients. Take a look at this incredible Before and After Hair Chop (chop is just a fun term for hair cut) done recently for a wonderful client. Before we did the change, we had a consult to discussed what styles would be compliment her head shape and facial features. Many of my clients say talking a hair change through with a hair professional is the only way to make an informed decision.

This fabulous client was ready for a change! Are you ready for a change?! Just hit this link for  APPOINTMENTS with me (Margy Sheppard) at M2Salon in Durham, NC. Questions? Just call 919-257-9007. M2 Salon is located in the Wanderlux Salon Suites: Suite 112, 7104 NC-751Durham, NC 27707.

Gray Hair Blending

Gray Hair Blending-Gray Blending is a big trend right now! I receive many requests for this color process by clients who are tired of trying to hide the gray or just want to embrace their beautiful gray hair.. Take a look at this photo. This is one of my gray blending clients. Absolutely love the outcome of this color process!

Why does hair go gray? As we get older, the pigment cells in our hair follicles gradually die. When there are fewer pigment cells in a hair follicle, that strand of hair will no longer contain as much melanin and will become a more transparent color — like gray, silver, or white — as it grows. … The arrival of gray hair is common in people 50 and up, but anyone can get gray hair at any age!

Ready to blend your gray hair? Book your hair color appointment today via this link…Want to talk/consult first? Email: [email protected] or call 919-257-9007