Category Archives: Hair Salon Durham NC

Revitalize Blonde Highlights For Fall

Revitalize Blonde Highlights For Fall M2 Salon Morrisville NC-It’s that time of year again, summer has taken a toll on your blonde highlights! At M2 Salon in Morrisville, NC, Owner and Operator, Margy Sheppard can assist in making those beautiful highlights look a bit more balanced and toned.


Often the summer sun can bleach out highlights making hair look a bit fried 🙂 Margy can walk you through the process necessary to reduce that harsh brassy too much sun processed look!


Whether you have brunette, blonde or red highlighted hair, Fall usually signals a time for richer, warmer hues. Think of it as taking over your summer look and making it more Fall appropriate. Margy Sheppard, an extroidinary Hair Colorist can use low-lights to tone things down and add depth to your hair.

If your thinking of using a Home Highlighting Kit or Hair Color to even things out on your own, don’t. Both can lead to disasterou results. Hair that has been highlighted and exposed to the summer sun is very porous. It absorbs color and chemicals like a sponge. Fixing this kind of home mistake can be very costly.

Revitalize Blonde Highlights for Fall at M2 Salon in Morrisville, NC Email: [email protected] or call 919-257-9007. Online scheduling on this site’s APPOINTMENTS page is available.


Honey Color Low Lights!

Honey Color Low Lights-Honey Color Lowlights will make you sweet as honey with this darling hair color! Let’s talk about this gorgeous shade of honey blonde & get you ready for totally lovable hair.


Margy Sheppard, Owner and Hair Color Expert at M2 Salon, Morrisville, NC says “f you know me, you know there’s nothing I love more than a multi-tonal blonde bombshell. A bright platinum certainly gets my heart beating fast, but it’s always nice to add in multiple dimensions and really make each tone pop.” She loves what she does with hair!

If you want to switch up your blonde a little bit, add in a bit of a warm honey tone. Honey blonde complements nearly every skin tone and heading into fall it can be the perfect addition to your blonde locks.

Summer sun does a number on highlights and there is nothing worse than a fading tan and over bright hair! Get ready for Fall with Lowlights in your hair to tone it down a bit, but not too much!

Email: [email protected] or call 919-257-9007 today for some pink hair color fun with Margy Sheppard at M2Salon in Morrisville, NC. Online scheduling on this site’s APPOINTMENTS page is available.

Pink Hair Color

Pink Hair Color-Dare to be different with Pink Hair Color! We love all the hash tags #pinkhairdontcare #colormepink #purpleriotpinkhair. There are so many shades it’s hard to chose just one favorite.


Pink hair color shades run the gamut from dusty pink and pastel pink to neon pink, and everywhere in between. You can tone down the intensity and shock value by going with pink undertones, pink highlights or pink peekaboo highlights. Or you can ramp it up with a pink ombre, pink balayage, or a full head of pink hair.

There’s an endless number of combinations of pink hair dye colors, pink hairstyles, and coloring techniques. So how do you decide what is right for you? Consider your personality, your hair type and hair length, your job, and what your hair goals are. Then take a look at some photos with Margy Sheppard, Hair Colorist, at M2 Salon in Morrisville, NC. and see what inspires & fits you.

Email: [email protected] or call 919-257-9007 today for some pink hair color fun with Margy Sheppard at M2Salon in Morrisville, NC. Online scheduling on this site’s APPOINTMENTS page is available.