Revitalize Blonde Highlights For Fall M2 Salon Morrisville NC-It’s that time of year again, summer has taken a toll on your blonde highlights! At M2 Salon in Morrisville, NC, Owner and Operator, Margy Sheppard can assist in making those beautiful highlights look a bit more balanced and toned.
Often the summer sun can bleach out highlights making hair look a bit fried 🙂 Margy can walk you through the process necessary to reduce that harsh brassy too much sun processed look!
Whether you have brunette, blonde or red highlighted hair, Fall usually signals a time for richer, warmer hues. Think of it as taking over your summer look and making it more Fall appropriate. Margy Sheppard, an extroidinary Hair Colorist can use low-lights to tone things down and add depth to your hair.
If your thinking of using a Home Highlighting Kit or Hair Color to even things out on your own, don’t. Both can lead to disasterou results. Hair that has been highlighted and exposed to the summer sun is very porous. It absorbs color and chemicals like a sponge. Fixing this kind of home mistake can be very costly.
Revitalize Blonde Highlights for Fall at M2 Salon in Morrisville, NC Email: [email protected] or call 919-257-9007. Online scheduling on this site’s APPOINTMENTS page is available.