Pink Hair Color-Dare to be different with Pink Hair Color! We love all the hash tags #pinkhairdontcare #colormepink #purpleriotpinkhair. There are so many shades it’s hard to chose just one favorite.
Pink hair color shades run the gamut from dusty pink and pastel pink to neon pink, and everywhere in between. You can tone down the intensity and shock value by going with pink undertones, pink highlights or pink peekaboo highlights. Or you can ramp it up with a pink ombre, pink balayage, or a full head of pink hair.
There’s an endless number of combinations of pink hair dye colors, pink hairstyles, and coloring techniques. So how do you decide what is right for you? Consider your personality, your hair type and hair length, your job, and what your hair goals are. Then take a look at some photos with Margy Sheppard, Hair Colorist, at M2 Salon in Morrisville, NC. and see what inspires & fits you.
Email: [email protected] or call 919-257-9007 today for some pink hair color fun with Margy Sheppard at M2Salon in Morrisville, NC. Online scheduling on this site’s APPOINTMENTS page is available.