Rose Gold Hair Color for 2018

Rose Gold Hair Color for 2018– Margy Sheppard, Owner and Hair Colorist at M2 Salon in Morrisville, NC., has done this color technique multiple times.


She thinks of it as a beautiful blend of red, pink and blonde shades created the perfect mix: rose gold hair. It’s important that your rose gold tone truly complements your skin tone and doesn’t stand out as too trendy or hot pink. Whether you want to dye all your hair or just add a few highlights to enrich your natural color — rose gold is exceptionally versatile.


Want to add a bit of life to your seemingly dull blonde hair? A rose gold color formula is the perfect option! Already having light hair or highlights gives you an advantage, as the color will grab on to the blonde a lot better and there will be no need to bleach your hair beforehand. A look like this is quite subtle and almost looks natural with soft waves at the ends.Email: [email protected] or call 919-257-9007. Online scheduling on this site’s APPOINTMENTS page is available.

Yes, it might be easier for a blonde to dye her hair rose gold but that doesn’t mean that the rose gold doesn’t look amazing on brunettes as well! However, it is important to remember that if you want the rose gold hair dye to be vibrant you will need to bleach your dark hair to a lighter tone. That’s why an ombre hair might be the perfect option for brunettes that are looking to take the plunge. It’s an added bonus since you won’t have to bleach all your hair and you are still able to maintain some of your natural tone at the top.

Rose Gold Incredible Hair Color at M2Salon in Morrisville NC. Email: [email protected] or call 919-257-9007. Online scheduling on this site’s APPOINTMENTS page is available.