Rose Gold Highlights For Brunette Hair

Rose Gold Highlights For Brunette Hair-As brunettes, we many times watch all the hoopla about blonde hair and wonder just what all the fascination is about. After all brunette hair is just as beautiful as blonde. Enter the new craze, Rose Gold Hair Color.


Rose gold is a tough color to define … it’s a beautiful blend of pink and red. If you think that you can’t have rose gold hair because you’re a brunette, we’re here to tell you it’s entirely possible. The woman in this picture has an epic rosy sheen to her wavy espresso hair, while some lighter tones come through amid the overall dark color.

These big, luscious waves are awesome and just knock us out. The real zinger, though, is the color: a deep, rich, pink rose color that adds depth and shine throughout… Consider us down for the count! The slight ombre effect looks great on this woman’s thick curls, further shows off the sexy waves.

Remember, this isn’t a true gold shade, but it certainly is rosy. If you have brown hair, want to rock a new look and don’t feel like bleaching all your locks, call Margy Sheppard, Color Expert at M2 Salon. Consult with her on what it would take to get the look & book your appointment to snag this incredible style.

Rose Gold Highlights For Brunette Hair at M2 Salon in Morrisville, NC.  Email: [email protected] or call 919-257-9007. Online scheduling her website’s  APPOINTMENTS page is available.